$5 per month (due by the 7th of each month)
$25 Annually (1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025)
Payable to Steve Fragas 661-305-7397 or
(** Please do NOT select product protection).
Last 4 digits of phone number sending to: 7397
Steve Fragas
Please use the Friends/Family transfer.
Annual membership in the Club is for a 12 month period (July 1-June 30) only.
All annual memberships expire on June 30th. Annual dues are not prorated, and are paid in full if the member chooses to pay the annual fee in lieu of paying monthly dues.
Monthly dues are due in full for any portion of the month in which they are begun. Monthly dues cover membership from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the given month in which they are paid. Monthly dues are not prorated, and are due in full for the month in which a membership begins.
Dues are non-refundable.
Memberships are for individuals only.
Members must be 16 years of age or older at the time of registration.
AVPC is a 501(c)7 nonprofit and is primarily supported by membership dues. Membership fees may provide for the purchase of balls, event support, court maintenance, court equipment, social mixer’s and other expenses to facilitate the Club’s mission statement.
Copyright © 2024 AV Pickleball - All Rights Reserved.